
Solving Plastic Pollution Through Infinitely Renewed Plastics

What if all plastics were recycled? Today, less than 10% are. The other 90% are mismanaged, buried in landfills, sent to incinerators, or even worse, end up in our environment as litter, polluting our land, rivers, and oceans. But imagine if all plastics could be Inficycled™. At Alterra, we convert plastics back into their original building blocks to produce new plastics and other valuable products. We’re disrupting the traditional thinking that hard-to-recycle plastics should be discarded and helping people see that plastics are valuable and designed to become new again. At Alterra we’re Solving Plastic Pollution Through Infinitely Renewed Plastics™.

Learn About Inficycling™

Learn more about how you can help through renewed plastics.

Making Plastics

Work Harder

At Alterra, we make plastics work harder by converting them back into their original building blocks to produce new plastics and other valuable products. We’re Solving Plastic Pollution through Infinitely Renewed Plastics™.

Join The Solution

Be Part of Our Team

We have some of the brightest minds in engineering, operations, and strategy on our team. We are accelerating our partners’ sustainability capabilities using cutting edge technology that assists in achieving the global imperative of plastic reuse in order to clean the planet. That takes a multi-disciplinary team of innovators and thought leaders to tackle. If you want to be a part of our rapidly growing team, please get in touch.

Join the Movement

Help Reverse the Course of Plastic Pollution

The movement to Inficycle™ more of the world’s discarded plastic and turn it into an infinite resource is real. It’s happening with consumers who are demanding new products be made with renewed plastic. It’s happening with manufacturers who are seeking new ways to turn plastic into a renewable resource that meets sustainability goals, minimizing reliance on fossil fuels for plastic production.

Our Plant

Learn About the Akron, OH Showcase Facility

At Alterra, we imagined an infinitely renewable plastics economy and created a plastic circularity process to make it happen. We engineered, designed, and built the world’s first truly continuous plastic circularity plant to solve plastic pollution. That’s how we do it in Akron, and now you can too anywhere in the world.